The entertaining wedding of Marian and Dani of Sweet Studio


When we think about Dani and Marian we start grinning, at times even bursting out laughing when we remember things that happened. Dani and Marian, the wedding photographers behind Sweet Studio, got married on 31st July 2015 and they knew exactly what they didn’t want. Their priority was to eat well, have a fantastic time and do away with convention. Their wish? A huge party with close family and friends! There were only 80 guests, but this couple made us laugh so hard our stomachs hurt. For this reason, we’ve given Marian and Dani’s wedding the title “the entertaining wedding”.

The couple decided to get ready at Hotel Renacimiento in Seville and there they had their “first look”, a truly precious moment. The ceremony and the reception took place on the El Loreto estate. Davila catered the event.

Marian designed her very own wedding dress. She is like a china doll and the dress fitted her like a glove. She wore Angel Alarcón shoes and earrings from Diaz, one of the most famous shops on the street Sierpes in Seville. A beautiful crown of gorgeous coloured flowers was the perfect accessory for her dress. Laura Balbao did her make-up and Yolanda Flores, her hair. We fell in love with her bouquet which was a design from Floristería Silvia.

The groom wore a suit and shoes from Zara. He knew the look he was after for the service: “the dark knight”, which according to fans, is not the same as Batman!

Para Marian, Dani y sus amigos era una gran ocasión y había que celebrarlo, así que como siempre hacen cuando hay que celebrar algo, sacaron en mitad de la ceremonia cervezas Corona bien fresquitas y brindaron por su amor.

For Marian, Dani and their friends it was a momentous occasion and it had to be celebrated so just as they always do when there’s something to celebrate, they pulled out chilled Corona beers half way through the ceremony and toasted their love.

As a gift and a reminder of the wedding, they gave the guests coloured sunglasses. Their friends were completely taken by the present and wore the glasses throughout the wedding.

When the time to dance came, Marian and Dani surprised their guests with a pas de deux and swing. Everyone was gobsmacked!

Pepe Mayen and Laura Balboa took the photos and made the video.

We hope you like it and that it gives you some inspiration for you Big Day!


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